Tag Archives: Creation Museum

Finally, a museum for people who think science does not belong in museums

Science fiction writer John Scalzi recently took a trip to the new $27 million Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky (what is it with Kentucky?).

As much as we’d like to go all contrarian in defense of a museum that is designed to poke a stick in the eye of Big Science, Scalzi’s photo tour of the place leaves us convinced that the Creation Museum is even more retarded than we would have expected.

It’s really too depressing to recount here, so you’ll have to go look for yourself. Here are a few highlights:

  • There were dinosaurs on the Ark, but their mass extinction is never actually explained.
  • Humans and dinosaurs lived concurrently, though there are no human fossils because humans and dinosaurs were not buried next to each other.
  • Dinosaurs were vegetarians until man’s fall, at which time G_d went all monkey nuts and made them start using their RAZOR SHARP DAGGER TEETH for more than chewing banana leaves and stuff.
  • Thorns did not exist in the Garden of Eden, so the fact that fossilized thorns have been found near fossilized dinosaurs proves that dinosaurs coexisted with man, who is at fault for destroying the aforementioned paradise.

A Visit to the Creation Museum, 11/10/07 [Flickr]

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