The beer baron: More cans!

The Baron’s upstanding upstairs neighbor The Arts Fuse had a post recently on a subject near and dear to the Baron’s heart: cans!

As you may know, the Beer Baron loves canned beer for a variety of reasons, but laments the dearth of quality offerings. Heineken cans have become a default staple of the Baron household, simply because they’re often the best canned brew to be found.

But hark! There’s hope!

“[N]ow the lowly can, once crushed for sport, is becoming fashionable, partly because bottling was the cheapest method of production. If microbrewers wanted to can their beer, they would have to contract the work to a bigger brewery. It wasn’t until Canadian brewer Kersten Kloss came up with an affordable canning line that he was able to convince major can producers in America to drop the minimum required order size to a level that independent brewers could afford to work with.

Thanks to Kloss, microbreweries could use the can, but now there was the marketing challenge: the craft beer drinking population believed that high-end beers only came in bottles,” writes The Arts Fuse guest blogger David Hartley, the Beer Baron’s newest hero, second only to Kersten Kloss.

Hartley conveniently offers a list of microbrews available in cans (with a review of each product). Check it out:

Dales Pale Ale; Old Chub Scottish Style Ale; New England Brewing Company Atlantic Amber; and Brooklyn Lager.

The Baron urges each of you to rush out, buy a six-pack, shotgun a can then smash it on your head in celebration.

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